SWOP LA ZINE Launch & Hump Day For The Hoes

Today, June 2nd, is International Whore’s Day. A day which commemorates the occupation of Église Saint-Nizier in Lyon by more than a hundred sex workers on June 2nd, 1975. A day in which sex workers banded together to stand up for their human rights amidst inhumane working conditions. It has been celebrated annually since 1976, and we celebrate it here today at Sex Worker’s Outreach Project Los Angeles.
The commemorate the occasion, we are pleased launch the inaugural issue of the SWOP LA ZINE. In which we celebrate International Whore’s Day and the lives and work of the sex worker community with a focus on working in the COVID-19 Pandemic. We’ve put a lot of work into this issue and received far more contributions from the community than we could print, we hope you enjoy it.
In addition to the launch of our Zine, we are also putting on the online event Humpday For The Hoes, with help from the awesome awesome Burlesque & Chill. Where we’ll feature performances from our majority BIPOC SW community and readings from poetry and other writings submitted to the Zine. The festivities start tonight at 7pm Pacific, get your tickets at Eventbrite now!
To read the SWOP LA ZINE, simply download the PDF above. A mobile version of the ZINE will be coming in the next few days…