Our Values


First and foremost we reject punishment as a means of social change and believe in the full abolition of the prison system and the broader architecture of criminalization and surveillance. These systems make sex workers more vulnerable to many forms of violence and exploitation. On the journey towards liberation, we support the use of short term tactics that reduce harm towards those most impacted by criminalization.

In pursuing decriminalization, we will work to fight all forms of violence, harassment, and discrimination against sex workers, our families, and our communities.

Social Justice

We recognize the existence of white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy and the ways interlocking systems of oppression compound when people occupy multiple marginalized identities. The liberation of sex workers is inherently intertwined with the liberation of people of color (especially Black and Indigenous people), TGI and LGBQA+ folks, the poor/working class, the unhoused/insecurely housed, immigrants/refugees/asylum seekers/undocumented people, and disabled folks.

Bodily Autonomy

We believe that people have the right to determine their own life choices, and what they do with their bodies. We seek to mitigate the immediate dangers workers in the sex industry face, including, but not limited to, violence from clients, management, and law enforcement; the effects of drug use; a lack of access to healthcare; and housing insecurity by providing trauma-informed services so that sex workers are able to exercise more agency.

Sex work is dangerous due to societal stigma and systems of policing and surveillance. All sex workers regardless of age, size, race, gender, sexuality, disability status, HIV status, drug use practices, immigration status, parenthood status, or frequency of involvement in the sex trade deserve access to safe and accessible resources and services and freedom from interpersonal violence.

Community & Mutual Aid

We believe effective and sustained support cannot come in the form of charity, which separates the helpers from the helped. Community is essential to helping each other and keeping each other safe. We work to create ways for sex workers to connect, both by providing opportunities to participate in mutual aid and by providing dedicated spaces for sex workers to gather and express ourselves.

As sex workers, taking care of our community is resistance against the oppressive systems we live under and creating a world where we can thrive.