We Are Still Here. SWOPLA July Newsletter

Happy July! 

We’ve made it over half way through the year! I hope you’ll all join me by taking in a huge breath and letting go of some of the heaviness I know we’ve all been feeling these past few weeks.

Despite the Supreme Court’s heinous decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, we are still here and we are still fighting for our rights to liberation and autonomy.


Abortion continues to be legal in CA. However, we have added a list of abortion resources to our resource page on the SWOP LA website. Here you can find links to obtaining the abortion pill, locating abortion providers near you, and find repro-legal assistance.

If you are in need of support while navigating these unprecedented times, SWOP LA hosts bi-monthly support groups for current and former sex workers.
For more information email lexiedelaluz@protonmail.com.


In a time where so many of our rights are being violated, SWOP LA is celebrating a huge success in recent legislation passed that expands the legal rights of sex workers. Senate Bill 357, signed by Gov. Newsom on July 1st, overturns an older law that made loitering with intent to commit prostitution illegal, effectively encouraging police to arrest people on the basis of appearance alone, and disproportionately affecting Black, Brown, and Trans women. SB 357 will go into effect on January 1, 2023. 

SWOP LA board member Ashley Madness was a major part of the DecrimSexWorkCA coalition steering committee, which helped draft and lobbied for this bill. Hear Ashley, and Senator Scott Wiener, discuss the bill and the impact it could have on sex workers in CA with KCRW here.


SWOPLA’s decriminalization expert and board member, Ashley Madness will be joining Fatima Shabazz, Dr. alix lutnick, and Michaé De La Cuadra to present 

“Decriminalize Sex Work: Reducing Stigma and Sexual Violence” at the
2022 VALOR Statewide Conference held at the Marriott in Anaheim, CA on August 11 – 12, 2022.

This year’s conference is titled Collective Action for Equity and we look forward to the opportunity to provide meaningful insight on this topic.

While the conference is currently sold out, you can learning more about those presenting here.