We will be partnering with UCLA to host paid focus groups for sex working parents in LA. You can take the screener to check eligibility at https://tinyurl.com/swopla. Eligible participants will get $150 for 1.5hrs of their time.
Please email kfuentes17@g.ucla.edu or losangelesswop@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like more information.
SWOP LA is working in collaboration with UCLA to hear sex workers’ perspectives about the effects of a recent law, California Senate Bill 233. SB233 is meant to protect people in the sex trade from being arrested and prosecuted for sex work and misdemeanor drug offenses when reporting a crime.
To participate, you must: be at least 18 years old, have engaged in sex work in Los Angeles County, and currently have access to a phone or computer with internet access. If you’re eligible, you can participate in a 60-90 minute interview via Zoom. This one-time paid $100 interview includes questions about interactions with law enforcement, sexual health, substance use and experiences with violence or victimization.
Take the screener here: http://bit.ly/SWLEARN.
You may also be compensated $25 if you refer someone who is eligible and willing to participate in the study!
Participation is voluntary and confidential!