Making Our Community Safer: The Massage Worker Outreach Program

Today, March 16th, 2022, is A memorial is set up against a white wall for in remembrance of those killed in Atlanta. Flowers line the top of the wall and signs and pictures are propped up against the wall among more flowers. One of the signs in the middle lists the names of the victims.the one year anniversary of the tragic mass-shooting in Atlanta where eight people, including six Asian women, were murdered in three seperate Asian-owned massage businesses, in an attack that was motivated by xenophobia, racism, and whorephobia.

Unfortunately, this was not an isolated incident, and just last month, two more Asian women were murdered by gunshot while working inside two seperate massage establishments in Albuquerque.

In response to these acts of violence against some of our most vulnerable community members, SWOPLA and the Chinatown Community for Equitable Development (CCED), have joined efforts to create the Massage Worker Outreach Program. With guidance from Red Canary Song and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, this program aims to provide material support to migrant massage workers in Los Angeles Chinatown and, eventually, the Greater Los Angeles area.

Our goal is to raise $8000 to provide outreach support for Asian migrant massage workers, connecting them with cash assistance, care and self-defense kits, multilingual resources and information about immigrant and workers’ rights, and to build relationships with and among workers.

Additionally, these outreach events will allow us to learn about the workers’ needs and mobilize support systems to address those needs

Please donate if you can and share this fundraiser with those in your community! You can find our GoFundMe here.